Λίγα λόγια για το πρόγραμμα

Το πρόγραμμα απευθύνεται:

1) σε αθλητές, 2) σε άτομα που αντιμετωπίζουν τις παρακάτω καταστάσεις και

3) σε όποιον επιθυμεί να χτίσει ένα καλύτερο επίπεδο υγείας

  • Κρίσεις πανικού
  • Άσθμα
  • Αλλεργίες
  • Υψηλή αρτηριακή πίεση
  • Κατάθλιψη
  • Καρδιακές παθήσεις
  • Σύνδρομο χρόνιας κόπωσης
  • Υπνική άπνοια
  • Διαβήτης
  • Ημικρανίες
  • Ορμονικές διαταραχές
  • Ευερέθιστο έντερο
  • Χρόνιος βήχας
  • Έλλειψη συγκέντρωσης
  • Ροχαλητό
  • Πνευμονική υπέρταση

Τι περιλαμβάνουν οι συναντήσεις

Scientific Update
  • Information, based in new scientific research about the reeducation of breathing mechanism
  • Information on the effects of respiratory disorder on the physiology of the body
  • Breathing retraining to restore normal respiratory function.
  • Cessation of symptoms that discomfort the body & restore homeostasis.

Nutrition for:

  • Achieving the ideal weight
  • Removal of the by-products from the digestive system
  • More efficient cellular nutrition.
Applying Exercises
  • Gradual learning of breathing exercises through practical application and repetition
  • Measuring progress with the control pause
  • Integrating breathing exercises into daily life.
Breathing & Sport
  • Increased oxygenation in cells and tissues of the organism
  • Energy economy
  • Protection of the body against dehydration
  • Reduction of heart rate
  • Improved athletic performance
  • Reduced feeling of tiredness.
Meditation Techniques
  • Application of breathing meditation techniques
  • Integration of meditation techniques in everyday life.

Results after completion of the program:

Reduction of the symptoms of the disease

Gradual Reduction of the symptoms of the disease, until full recovery of the body.

Strengthening the immune system

Strengthening the immune system

Increasing energy and vitality

Increasing energy and vitality

Connection with the inner self

Good mood

Good mood, inspiration, creativity

Gaining useful knowledge about breathing and health

Gaining useful knowledge about breathing and health. A structured set of knowledge that will help you lay the foundation for a healthy life and open the path to self-knowledge

Book an Appointment!

Contact us to book an appointment or use the below Contact Form to check the availability.
