- Κρίσεις πανικού
- Άσθμα
- Αλλεργίες
- Υψηλή αρτηριακή πίεση
- Κατάθλιψη
- Καρδιακές παθήσεις
- Σύνδρομο χρόνιας κόπωσης
- Υπνική άπνοια
- Διαβήτης
- Ημικρανίες
- Ορμονικές διαταραχές
- Ευερέθιστο έντερο
- Χρόνιος βήχας
- Έλλειψη συγκέντρωσης
- Ροχαλητό
- Πνευμονική υπέρταση
Scientific Update
- Information, based in new scientific research about the reeducation of breathing mechanism
- Information on the effects of respiratory disorder on the physiology of the body
- Breathing retraining to restore normal respiratory function.
- Cessation of symptoms that discomfort the body & restore homeostasis.
Nutrition for:
- Achieving the ideal weight
- Removal of the by-products from the digestive system
- More efficient cellular nutrition.
Applying Exercises
- Gradual learning of breathing exercises through practical application and repetition
- Measuring progress with the control pause
- Integrating breathing exercises into daily life.
Breathing & Sport
- Increased oxygenation in cells and tissues of the organism
- Energy economy
- Protection of the body against dehydration
- Reduction of heart rate
- Improved athletic performance
- Reduced feeling of tiredness.
Meditation Techniques
- Application of breathing meditation techniques
- Integration of meditation techniques in everyday life.
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