The consequences of oxygen deficiency

The consequences of oxygen deficiency When muscles are deprived of oxygen, they ache for two known reasons and perhaps for other reasons as well, which we cannot understand. The muscular spasm is the first one and the most frightening. It is responsible for the exhausting pain that people experience when the incident is acute and…


The dietary rules

The dietary rules Elena Papaioannou In order to achieve a good level of health, we should pay attention to and emphasize on our nutrition, applying the six basic dietary rules that aim to the better and faster digestion of foods for a functional and clean digestive system (ή digestive tract;). Besides, the biggest part of…


Deep breaths can be harmful

Deep breaths can be harmful Elena Papaioannou Are you one of those people who often feel that the air is not enough? No matter how many deep breaths you take, you still have an unfulfilled feeling and a constant discomfort? While you intensify your effort in taking breaths, the worst you will feel. The reason…
