Why should I choose the Buteyko Method

Why Choose PNOI The Buteyko method teaches me the way to control my breath. In this way, the normal function of the respiratory system is restored, which is the most important thing for my survival. In medical science, there aren’t any breathing exercises that are connected with objective measurements of their result, besides Dr Buteyko’s…

About the Program…

About the Program… Health is the highest asset and yet it is not granted, it belongs to the man who works hard to maintain it! Pnoi was created with the belief that the human body is a complete and perfect creation that has the potential of self-regulation and self-healing. Countless surveys of recent years prove…

Elena Papaioannou

Elena Papaioannou Elena Papaioannou is a certified practitioner of the Buteyko method. She began her research and apprenticeship with the belief that the human body has the power to self heal. She studied anatomy, pathology and physiology and was trained in Ireland, where she received her diploma in 2010 as a specialist in the Buteyko…